
Whether your acne pops up rarely, occasionally, or even if it appears more often than not, we think we can all agree that it’s better gone than on your face. However, did you know there are certain things you could be doing that may be making your skin condition worse?


Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder and in fact, one that doesn’t just concern pubescent teens. It affects people of all ages. So if you’ve been using all the best acne treatment and prevention methods, but your acne continues to be persistent, make sure you’re not making any of the common acne mistakes below.

Cut the junk to clear skin

Processed foods and sugar are the skin’s enemy says Fiona Tuck, Nutritionist and Skincare Expert; and whilst neither have been clinically proven to cause acne, eating too much of these can certainly aggravate the condition. “Eating a nutrient dense diet is extremely beneficial for healthy skin. Dietary fat may be associated with excess sebum production. So avoid eating skin clogging hydrogenated fats and excess intake of saturated fats. Sugar also impairs the immune function, depletes nutrients and may promote growth of candida which can be a contributing factor in acne too.”

Your phone is dirtier than you think

A dirty phone can lead to acne, at least that’s what Dr Ronald Moy founder of DNA Renewal told us. Think about it, your phone goes with you everywhere you go so it’s bound to be harbouring bacteria.

“Any bacteria your phone picks up will sit on your screen and (when you don’t clean your phone) can be transferred onto your face when you talk into it, or via your hands. These bacteria can cause inflammation and in turn be another cause of acne.”

Picking at your face = no

We get it, popping your own pimples can be extremely satisfying although without the expert know how and/or tools you could just be making things worse. Dr Ronald Moy says attempting to squeeze at your acne can also lead to scarring and even increase chances of infection – OUCH.

“Popping pimples is problematic it can lead to scarring due to pus and inflammation being squeezed deeper, spreading the infection.”

So just don’t!

Story by Yadira Galarza Cauchi

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