
If we’ve learnt anything from years devouring all things beauty, it’s that the morning routine can make all the difference. From the skincare we use to the breakfasts we choose, the hours we’ve slept and the rituals we’ve taken on in the AM, it all has an effect on how the rest of our day tracks. So, we thought we’d ask one of Australia’s most beautiful beings, David Jones ambassador and model Jessica Gomes, to extract her every morning move. After all, a little model motivation can’t hurt…


What’s your bedroom vibe?

I love my bedroom to be a really relaxing space, I’m lucky to get such beautiful natural light in the morning and in the evening I always use my Pink Crystal salt lamp for good vibrations. On my bed, there’s nothing better than crisp, white linen sheets! But right now I have Ralph Lauren pinstripe blue sheets which are cozy and warm.

When do you wake up and how much sleep do you get?

I try to always squeeze in 8 hours of sleep…in LA I wake up sometimes at 9am! Sleeping in is my guilty pleasure.


Do you exercise in the morning?

I love to do a pilates class in the morning, it sets me up for a really energised, positive day.

Do you do any meditation or mental prep for the day?

I write a list of what I’m going to do for the day as soon as I wake up, I feel like I achieve so much more when I have it down in front of me – it makes me feel more accountable and motivated.

Do you select your outfit the night before or wing it in the morning?

Mostly I will wing it in the morning, however if I have a big day of meetings I’ll usually prep my outfit the night before.


Soap or body wash?

Body wash, I usually use Cetaphil or Aveda.

Do you wash your hair every day?

No, I wash my hair 3 times a week – Kevin Murphy shampoo and conditioner is my go to, it gives my hair great volume and is very moisturising.

What skincare and body products do you put on when you get out?

On my body, coconut cream or Aveda Stress Fix Lavender Body Lotion if I’ve had a busy week. For my face I use the Equal Beauty Luxury Regime. I’m constantly travelling for work, so I like to use the 5 step program to keep my skin clean and most importantly hydrated.


What do you usually eat?

I’ll start my day with a coffee, followed by a green juice, eggs and avocado with a side of hash browns.


What are your daily must-have makeup essentials?

Foundation from SisleyChanel rouge blush and a coating of mascara from Napoleon Perdis.

A good hair day tip?

I have a good hair day every time I use a sea salt spray, it gives my hair such great texture!

What time do you start work?

My schedule always varies – one morning I could be up at dawn to be on set and other mornings I’m lucky to score a sleep in.

By Rikki Hodge-Smith; Images @iamjessicagomes

Comment (2)

  1. June 5, 2017

    Love this post! She is such a beauty and her routine seems very doable!

  2. June 5, 2017

    I like the idea to wake up and write down everything you want to accomplish for the day, definitely would help motivate me to get things done