
We’ve all been there. You know, that time when you first attempted to dye your own hair and it ended up a particularly unsavory shade of green, or that time you tried to wax your own eyebrows only to end up with none whatsoever?  It’s all a part of growing up and learning what works (and what doesn’t!)  Here, five Australian fashion bloggers spill the beans on their biggest beauty faux pas.  Nowadays these stylish women can hardly put a foot wrong, but it’s good to know that even the most fashionable have experienced a cringe-worthy beauty moment they’d much rather forget.


Elle Ferguson, They All Hate Us 

“In my teenage years I used to go to Chinatown and get my bleach blonde hair straightened so so straight that it literally snapped off…. BAD! Nowadays I get my hair done at Edwards&Co in Paddington”.


Nadia Bartel, Chronicles of Nadia 

“I went through this stage at 19 of wearing this bright, baby pink Covergirl blush which I’d apply as two big round circles on the apples of my cheeks. At the time I thought it looked amazing but looking back at photos, I looked like a clown – cringe! Since then, I’ve learnt a lot from some amazing makeup artists about how to apply blush correctly and I now know what works better with my complexion and face shape.”


Tanja Gacic, My Empirical Life

“I put self tanner on myself once before a holiday and forgot to wash my hands.  I had orange palms for the whole duration of the vacation and all my friends laughed at me – it looked so fake and bad I never wore tan in a can again!”


Tash Sefton, They All Hate Us

“For many years I used to dye my own hair – now I look back at pictures and I look like a lego character.  What was I thinking?!”


Connie Cao, K is for Kani 

“In high school I used to give myself DIY fringe trims which looking back, turned out to be a pretty bad job. The lesson? Always leave it to the professionals, especially when you’re dealing with hair that frames your face.”

Story by Madeleine Boyd.

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