Mmm…cheesy, salty, starchy ravioli. But sometimes the kind mama used to make comes with more than just a Dolmio grin. Super-refined carbohydrates such as pasta can cause bloating, fatigue, puffiness and ageing of the skin.
I love this recipe, the basis of which was handed to me at the end of a silent yoga retreat. With a lower glycemic load, antioxidant-laden beetroot and a mineral-rich macadamia/cashew filling to keep skin and hair smiling, file this one under ‘raw’ for when you need extra energy and sparkle.
½ cup raw cashews
½ cup raw macadamia nuts (If you have time, soak the nuts for 2+hrs)
¼ cup nutritional yeast (health food shop staple)
¼ cup fresh chopped parsley or basil
1 tbsp tamari or soy sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice + a couple of scrapes of zest
1/2 tsp agave nectar or good-quality honey/maple syrup
2 cloves of garlic, chopped (start with 1, if you’re garlic-shy)
2-3 tbsp of water
1 Big Beetroot, peeled
Basil leaves
An infused good-fat oil (garlic or truffle work well)
Sea salt flakes (optional)
Balsamic (optional)
Place ‘Cheese’ bits in a food processor and blend to a paste. Taste and season for you with a little more tamari or lemon or even another garlic clove.
Before serving, slice the beetroot on the thinnest setting of your food processor or mandolin. (If you’re stuck, try using a peeler)
Pop a dollop of filling in the centre of a slice. Layer another beet disc on top.
Garnish with basil, sea salt flakes and droplets of your favourite oil. I’ve used truffle oil here for a bit of special. Some balsamic vinegar would work nicely too.
Tip: Use any leftover nut cheese to boost your salads or dip into crudités.
I have never even heard of making cheese from nuts! What a great idea! Thank you – must try as dairy really bloats me!
Yummm! who knew beetroot could look so delicious.