Raise your hand if you feel personally victimised by cellulite elimination creams. Unfortunately, I’m here to tell you something that might be hard to hear. There’s no way to completely get rid of your cellulite, and if you can’t afford the latest in laser and ultrasonic technology, it can feel impossible to make a difference.
While it’s important to love thyself and the skin you’re already in, it’s okay to want to reduce the appearance of your cellulite too. You are only human after all and 80-90% of women acquire cellulite at some point, so you are far from alone.
Diet, genes, and lifestyle choices are known factors in causing cellulite, but it has also been suggested that hormonal imbalance can play a critical role in its severity. Cellulite is essentially a fat deposit that is peeking through your fascia (the thin connective tissue that holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre, and muscle in its place), which gives a dimpled texture to the skin.
The science behind what exactly causes it is kind of iffy but the main contributing factors generally point towards genes, hormones, and lifestyle. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the production of cellulite. It is theorised that a decrease in estrogen can affect blood flow to the fascia; and as less oxygen is delivered to the area, collagen production slows and fat deposits become more visible.
This could be why so many women experience cellulite versus about 10% of men. Men are less likely to have it because their fascia is more interconnected and subsequently more efficient at holding the fat in place.
Although I can’t promise the following methods will completely eradicate all of your dimples, I have some skincare rituals that, with consistent practice, can help make skin feel firmer and improve the appearance of it.