
Here at Beauticate, we think we know a thing or two about skincare (because, well, we live and breathe it). But, when cosmetic chemist and founder of cosmeceutical range Synergie Skin, Terri Vinson sat down with Sigourney to discuss the one tool we should be using to dramatically improve the efficacy of our facial serums, you might say we all had one helluva (beauty) light bulb moment. The home roller – a facial skin needling device that allows your serums to deeply penetrate the skin – is the latest beauty tool disrupting everything we know about skincare. Facial needling might sound a little scary but trust us, after watching our interview with Terri you’ll be wondering how you ever survived without one.



Video edited by Kelsey Krieger. Shot with a Canon EOS70D

Comment (1)

  1. March 26, 2016

    What size were the needles?