Story by Rikki Hodge-Smith; Photography by Neiyo Sun

So, the time I have by myself can be the most energising, but I am so lucky that I am surrounded by a group of people who challenge and support me. Fostering that culture as we grow [as a company] is something we place a lot of importance on.
I have flash backs of having too much fake tan [in my teen years] and trying to lighten my hair with Sun In under hand dryers in the girls’ bathroom at school. One of the best pieces of beauty advice I ever got was to stop wearing butterfly clips, circa 1998 and my mum always told me to wear sunscreen.
If I haven’t slept well I’ll put a gel eye mask on my face for 5 minutes to reduce the puffiness around my eyes while I make myself a coffee. I’ll then work my way through our Full Face range: Creamy Face Cleanser, Creamy Face Scrub, Glow Mask (the best!) and The Everyday Face Moisturiser. I add some actives in too; B serum in the morning, vitamin A at night and always SPF 50.
…and my skin thanks me for it when I land. I don’t wear any makeup on flight and drink heaps of water. It’s not rocket science. I make sure my skin is clean and hydrated. Who cares what you look like on a long haul flight? Just be comfy.
I’d love to say I avoid heat styling, but #letsbefrank, I don’t. So I use a repairing mask and calming serum a lot.
I don’t like the punishment mentality that comes with it. I just eat good, nutritious food and am not scared of carbs – I train a lot so I need them. I love sweet things, so I make my own chocolate that’s super dark and creamy and light on sugar.
…for Logan. They’re amazing guys at Meister Athlete. They honestly changed my body, my brain and my outlook as to what is possible. I am stronger, leaner and more toned than I was in my early 20s and I’m now 31. They have an incredibly healthy, balanced view of training that gets real long term results – this isn’t about 45 minutes of unmonitored hell. I run five times a week and am now trying to focus more on stretching. I go in and out of phases where I do yoga, but right now I’m out of that mode.”
One of our co-founders, Steve, saw two ladies come in and ask for the old coffee grounds [to use as a scrub] and an idea sparked. The rest, as they say, is history. Jess and I have been friends for nearly ten years and working together for six so it feels very natural to us. Our relationship is very open; we’re honest, supportive and know when the other needs to laugh and when to be serious. There’s a great deal of mutual respect between us. A good tip we heard a few years ago is to always assume positive intent.
…and rinse with a Dove Beauty Bar. I then smother our frank body balm over my body. I love Chantecaille Pure Rosewater Mist. For makeup, I love ILIA Vivid Foundationand Vivid Concealer, NARS Laguna Bronzer (I’m a creature of habit) and Chantecaille Liquid Lumiere highlighter. But, my partner, Steve, always tells me I look more beautiful with less make up on.
I take my makeup off, contacts out, on goes face mask and then my glasses. I’m not supposed to play favourites [with the products] but I think the mask might be the best frank body product. I’m also borderline addicted to rose water mist.
We’re doing Hello Fresh at the moment and it’s re-inspired my passion for cooking. I don’t limit myself but I try to eat food that tastes good and is good for my body and I go to F45 three times a week, yoga at Yoga213 once a week. I also do daily walks (read:strolls) with my dog, Doug.”
Story by Rikki Hodge-Smith; Photography by Neiyo Sun
Both of them mentioned this Glow Mask – is it a wash off mask or peel mask? Would love to give it a try!
Just checked out the link to some of their products and love how they list their key ingredients for each product, so natural