
Sometimes you just want a really simple, natural “I-woke-up-like-this” makeup look. Here, in our video tutorial, Sigourney shows you how to create a luminous complexion, rosy cheeks and subtly defined eyes in under five minutes.


Video by Manuela Leigh, Editing by William Wong.

Comment (13)

  1. July 30, 2014

    I’ve been looking for product that gives you that warm luminous glow – thanks!

    1. August 7, 2014

      Pleasure! Give it a go – would love to hear your results Camille! x

  2. August 7, 2014

    Thanks Beauticate for the great tip about using a balm instead of powder for your cheeks. I will definitely be trying the Ere Perez colour balm soon, it sounds amazing! x

    1. August 7, 2014

      Hi Kirsten! Pleasure – it makes a difference. But doesn’t last as long (but with those cute little palettes you can take it with you and it doesn’t take up much space. and use it on your lips, too!) x

  3. March 22, 2015

    I would love to see a video on how to remove eye make up, which products are the best and safest way to remove eye makeup gently. Great blog beauticate x

    1. August 12, 2015

      Thanks Sameera! That’s a great idea. I will add it to our "To Film" list! x

  4. July 28, 2015

    Hi Sigourney, you need to get acquainted with Daniel Sandler watercolour blush. It’s the liquid blush to rule all blushes. Natural, luminous, a cinch to blend and LASTS all day. It doesn’t sink into my pores either. Best makeup discovery of the year. http://danielsandler.com/products/liquid-blush-so-pretty

    1. August 12, 2015

      Sounds amazing Willa – thanks for the tip! x

  5. August 12, 2015

    Thanks for this great video! When using a BB or CC cream, do you need to set it with powder?

    1. August 12, 2015

      Hi Annabel, unless you have really oily skin and struggle with shine I would skip the powder. Powder can be ageing and I love the luminous look of BB and CC creams. Instead you could try a mattifying gel/primer before your BB and that can keep the shine at bay. x

      1. August 12, 2015

        Thanks, Sigourney! I love the luminous look too but I always seem to cave when I’m sampling the products in-store and they go in for the upsell. Can you use a powder blush or would a cream one be better for the same reason?

        1. August 12, 2015

          Cream would be best but it won’t last as long. If you want it to really stay put, start with a cream then dust a powder blush over the top.

          1. August 25, 2015

            Thanks, Sigourney! The Chanel CC cream is divine and I’ve got some Ere Perez on the way! xx